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Visitor Emails

Hi everyone, and thanks for stopping by!

Over the past several months, I've received some truly wonderful and inspiring emails from men, women, mothers, fathers and teens of all ages who have visited my web page.

Many of you have confided in me, sharing your thoughts and concerns about your particular situation and how difficult your life has been because of your shorter than average stature. Many of you have sought my opinion about various products, programs or other related things, and I have tried to provide you with honest, straight-forward answers to your questions.

I have to tell you, I am deeply moved by the trust that you have chosen to instill within me. Your praise and support continues to motivate me to keep pressing forward on my quest to be six foot tall.

My ongoing goal is to provide you with the real truth and facts about how to grow taller.

I'd sincerely like to thank everyone for visiting my web page and for sending me emails!

But the reason why I just created this Vistor Email page is to let you know that you're not alone. I have to tell you, I am absolutely amazed by the number of emails I receive each day. These are emails from men and women of all ages, just like you and me, who are desperately seeking a way to grow just a little bit taller. Many of these emails I receive are from teens or young adults who are embarrassed of their height and feel totally alone. These kids don't have anyone else they can turn to for advice without fear of ridicule or mocking - so that's why I added this page. I want all of you to see that you're not alone.

Your desire to be taller is completely normal and you shouldn't feel ashamed. And best of all, together we can help each other find real solutions to our height problems.

We all realize that being shorter than average can be a very embarrassing topic, which is why I believe that this web page has been so helpful for so many. For most men and women, their lack of height is not something that you want to discuss while you're sitting around the dinner table. Like me, most people are too ashamed to discuss it with their closest friends or lovers for that matter!

It's amazing how lacking a few inches or so in height can create such deep feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem and zero confidence. Believe me, if you've read over my journey then you know that I've been there too. But by providing you with this web page, and by allowing you to send me questions anonymously via email, I want you to realize that this is a place where you can turn for advice without fear of embarrassment or judgment.

I want you to know that you're not alone, and that there is hope for you!

The products and programs I mention have worked extremely well for me. Heck, they've pretty much changed my entire life at this point! I have more self-confidence than ever before and I feel stronger and more attractive. I'm much more self-assured around people, especially women, and I feel great that they view me as attractive rather than just cute.

Frankly, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

And let me tell you, there's no reason why you don't deserve to feel the same way too. You should have no reason to feel inferior to others because of your height. You should have no reason to feel inadequate or less attractive. Not in this day and age - not when there's a safe, simple solution.

So again, that's why I created this visitor email page. I want you to know that you're not alone and that I'm here to help you in any way I can. I sincerely hope that the emails below will inspire you to take action towards improving your life. Don't wait before you decide to do something. If you're not 100% satisfied with your height then do something about it. It's much easier than you could imagine. You're not alone in this. I've done it successfully and so have many of the people who have emailed me already.

Well, I hope I've done a good job of inspiring you. If not, then please view the emails below that I've received over the past several months. I think they're great. And if you would like to tell me about your experiences (and possibly have your email posted here), then please feel free to email me by clicking here right now. I promise that your identity will remain totally anonymous.

I sincerely hope that these actual, unedited emails will inspire you to take control and invest in something that can make an unbelievable difference in your life. You owe it to yourself. I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks and best of luck!

Visitor Emails

Hi Greg,
Your story has inspired me to do something about my height once and for all. I will give Addingheight a try starting tonight and will let you know my progress. Thanks a million. Toby

I just had to write to you and say that I came across your site a few months ago and decided to give your recommendations a try. After 2 months I'm more than an inch taller!!!!!!!!!!! Not bad for a 38 year old! That's just from the Adding Height program. I plan to buy Stature-Rx and IGF1RX too and start using that them also because my doctor says it's fine. My goal is 3 inches.
Natalie K.

I am 46 years-old and in good health but a little on the short-side, I thought this had to be some sort of joke but then I realized you were being serious so I thought well maybe there is something to this after all so I ordered the membership to addingheight.com and the staturerx pills because if I am going to try it I will do it all the way, well I didn't expect anything to happen but with guarantees that I get my money back if unhappy I gave it a shot and 2 weeks later I measure myself and I am 4 cm taller which I found quite amazing really so whilst I was highly skeptical you have proven to be correct and I shall continue using these products because I now am convinced of their efficacy

Greg: my 12 yr old son is the shortest boy in his class and feels horribly ashamed. I wanted to help him and when I found your article it was like my prayers have been answered. He really enjoys doing the adding height exercise program; for him it's just playing and he loves that. In the past 3 months, he's grown like a weed and I've had to let the hems out of all his pants. All told, he's grown 3 inches in 3 months which I know is thanks in very large part to that adding height exercise program. I never would have found the program or tried it if it weren't for you so thank you very, very much! Sincerest regards,

i feel so lucky tohave discovered your pages about making myself taller.i invested in the exercises your suggested addinheight and they did make me 5 cm taller. you are to be praised for your help withothers.

my mother bought Adding Height for me because i nagged her to do it because i hate being so short compared to my friends. my mom is really surprised it has worked

thank you greg for your willingness to help others and congratulations to you for overcoming your own height issues. I am very glad to hear that you are happy and kudos to you for sharing the knowledge with others! you're an inspiration
Frank M

I'm not big on exercise programs, so I opted for the StatureRx and IGF1Rx pills you recommend. Bought a 3 month supply of each. Well here I am, 3 months later, and I just finished up my last pills and I am officially................ 2.25 inches taller!!! That's a real, honest measurement done with great precision by my family doctor. He can't believe it and neither can I. I will be ordering more of each right now. This stuff is golden. I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me already. Sincerely,
Trevor C. - A 27 year old believer

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